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How To Create Winning Personalized Content In 2024

What’s the most powerful way to capture your audience’s attention?  […]

personalized content

What’s the most powerful way to capture your audience’s attention? 

It’s through personalization. When you address your audience by their names or provide them with content that’s relevant to their needs, you stand out from the crowd. 

Not only that, but your audience will also associate your brand with higher quality standards and professionalism.

Personalized content improves engagement on your website and social media. It boosts conversions and builds your brand image too.

With so many clear benefits, it’s vital to start personalizing your interactions with your audience. If you’re already doing that, then you can benefit from improving your personalization strategies with the ideas we’ll discuss in this post. 

Let’s get started and explore the steps needed to create compelling personalized content that creates explosive growth in 2024. 

Collect data

You can’t personalize your content unless you know who your audience is. And there are several ways to ethically collect relevant information about people who show interest in your brand. 

One of the first things you should do is to set up Google Analytics for your website. You’ll also need to make use of insights from various platforms where you’ve set up your brand’s presence.

Think of the advertising platforms, social networking sites, and eCommerce setups that you work with. Most solutions in these areas allow to you learn more about your users and give you details such as demographics, user behavior, and more. 

Be aware of these data sources and learn about integrations that allow you to personalize emails, optin popups, success messages, and other features. Leverage these options and work with the tips that follow in this post too. 

Send personalized emails

Email marketing is the most powerful conversion tool there is. It outperforms advertising, social media marketing, and traditional marketing techniques. Personalizing your email content will help you convert even more of your audience into paying customers. Email marketing statistics show that:

  • Personalized emails improve open rates by 26%
  • Customizing your emails on the basis of segmentation can boost revenue by 50%
  • Sending personalized emails create 6x higher transaction rates

Sounds good? Let’s look at specific ways you can customize emails for your audience. 

Personalize names: When sending your email blast to subscribers, address them by name in the email subject line. Doing so will catch their eye and increase open rates. All reputable email marketing service providers enable personalization at this level. All you have to do is add a name field in your optin form to collect such details.

Segment your lists: Segmentation refers to dividing your email list into groups based on similar characteristics. Age groups, gender, job roles, and other factors will guide the kind of content you send out. 

Leverage feedback: If you can use the information provided directly by your users, you stand to create content that isn’t just relevant but also welcomed. Be proactive and send out surveys or feedback forms and ask your audience for the kind of content and solutions they’re looking for. With such details, you can segment your audience and send out personalized content.

Email marketing already provides you with the best chance to convert your audience into customers. By personalizing your email messages, you’re certain to see strong outcomes that make your business grow fast. 

Use Smart Tags

Optin popups are tools that help you catch your site visitor’s attention at a critical moment – the moment they’re exiting your page. This is where you can offer a great discount, a lead magnet, or some other kind of benefit in exchange for their subscription to your email newsletter.

There are several more ways an opt-in popup can help you. This section is about smart tags because when you combine smart tags with opt-in forms, you can fine-tune the kind of content you display to your audience. 

Let’s dive in and look at specific ways to use smart tags and make content that will tell your users that they’re in the right place.

Create location-based personalization

Have you ever visited a global website and then been redirected to a local one? That’s a form of personalization that helps users find the right website for their needs. 

location-based personalization

You can create a suitable optin form that appears by creating smart tags that recognize your users’ locations. 

Another way to use location smart tags is to create exclusive offers for people in different regions. Visitors who get an offer for their location are going to be more interested in what you have to offer. You’ll help your site visitors feel special and like they’re getting a can’t-miss offer. 

Make sure that you work with a helpful optin form tool that provides you with smart tag options. You’ll be able to optimize your forms to provide relevant content to users. Let’s look at more ways to use tags. 

Create location-based personalization

Give time-based offerings

How can you create a compelling reason for your user to make a purchase right away? A common answer to this is to offer a limited-time offer. 

You can plan your time-based campaign and when the day arrives, your opt-in popup forms will show the right date. You can also set up a countdown timer that creates a sense of urgency, compelling users to take action.  

time-based offerings

Recover users who abandoned carts

You can use smart tags to remind users about their forgotten products abandoned in their shopping carts. And to sweeten the idea of making a purchase, you can offer a special discount for those products. Smart tags can be used to show users products they’ve forgotten about and to add a discount or a deal to make buying the item compelling. 

Address users by name

Just like in email marketing, you can also customize your popups to address your visitor by name. This makes it feel like you’re offering something specifically for them. Your site user will have to be someone who has subscribed to your newsletter already or has an account on your site. 

By working with smart tags to add a ‘name’ tag to your popup deals, you’ll address users by the name they’ve given you and create a personalized experience. 

Text with Name

Upsell to buyers

Another way to add a personalized touch to a shopping experience online is to suggest a relevant product for your buyers. For example, someone buying a dress online would find it helpful to see a recommendation for a belt or earrings. 

You can add this as part of your checkout process with smart tags to give your users greater value and boost your sales at the same time. 

Have a dedicated social media specialist

Being active on social media is not just about creating posts and carrying out single-sided conversations. You also need to respond to your customers in a timely and helpful fashion. 

Having personnel who focus specifically on replying to social media comments is a powerful way to drive personalization online. 

Businesses that send generic ‘We’re sorry you’ve been inconvenienced’ responses are all right. But they’re not making the best of the opportunities given to them to engage customers and build a relationship. 

Instead, you can make every social media interaction warm and meaningful by doing the following:

  • Address the commenter or poster by their name or social media handle when creating a response
  • Acknowledge their concern by repeating the issue they’ve written about
  • Say that you understand how they must be feeling
  • Offer them support and say you’re there to help
  • Use emojis, exclamation points, and a friendly tone wherever appropriate

These suggestions don’t all have to be used at once. Pay attention to what your users are saying and remember to talk to them like they’re a friend rather than focusing on a formula. 

dedicated social media specialist
Friendly and helpful responses on social media can transform relationships


When creating your marketing campaigns, it’s essential to make personalization a key factor from the start. This will help you plan your content, collect data, and train your customer support to be customer-oriented.

Several marketing studies show adding customized experiences to boost your business’s performance in every area. Hubspot found that personalized content outperforms static content by 42%. And 74% of customers feel frustrated when the content is not tailored to their personal preferences.

Along with creating personalized content, you need to make sure that your personalization strategies are working. You can do this by collecting data and carrying out tests. By assessing how people respond to your efforts, you’ll know what to leverage and how to improve emails or popups that don’t generate great results. 

I hope I’ve made a strong case and given you helpful ideas to build relevant content for your audience. Put these suggestions into action to help your business thrive.